Evaluation of objective and subjective treatment outcomes in orthodontic cases treated with extraction of a mandibular incisor

Autor: Winifred J. Harding, Sherry Lee, Florence Bennani, Mauro Farella, Joseph S Antoun, Fiona A Firth
Přispěvatelé: Lee, S., Firth, F. A., Bennani, F., Harding, W., Farella, M., Antoun, J. S.
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Angle Orthod
ISSN: 1945-7103
DOI: 10.2319/011018-25.1
Popis: Objectives: To analyze changes in occlusal characteristics following mandibular incisor extractions (MIE), to determine the usefulness of wax setups in treatment planning MIE cases and to compare the pre- and posttreatment dental attractiveness between MIE cases and nonextraction (NE) controls. Materials and Methods: The Peer Assessment Rating (PAR) Index was used to score pre- and posttreatment dental casts of MIE cases (n = 14) and matched NE controls (n = 14). Occlusal characteristics were evaluated on diagnostic wax setups and posttreatment casts. Attractiveness of pre- and posttreatment cases judged on intraoral photographs of cases (n = 6) and controls (n = 6) were rated by 76 dental students and 10 laypeople using visual analogue scales (VAS). Results: The difference in PAR score reduction (%) between the MIE and NE groups was not significant. Between the wax setup and posttreatment casts, there were moderate correlations in overjet, overbite, and right canine classification. There was no significant difference in pre- and posttreatment change in VAS scores (%) for attractiveness between the MIE (49.8 ± 4.3 [S.E.]) and control groups (40.8 ± 4.3 [S.E.]). However, there was a significant difference (P = .000) between the observer groups. Conclusions: There were no significant differences in the treatment outcomes of orthodontic cases treated with MIE or NE, indicating that MIE is a valid treatment option. A wax setup is moderately correlated with posttreatment results. Both laypeople and dental students rated posttreatment dental attractiveness higher than pretreatment in MIE and NE groups. Dental students tended to be more critical than laypeople in their ratings.
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