Fabrication of highly elastic resilin/silk fibroin based hydrogel by rapid photo-crosslinking reaction

Autor: Naba K. Dutta, Jasmin L. Whittaker, Christopher M. Elvin, Namita Roy Choudhury
Přispěvatelé: Whittaker, JL, Dutta, NK, Elvin, CM, Choudhury, NR
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 3:6576-6579
ISSN: 2050-7518
DOI: 10.1039/c5tb00970g
Popis: A new type of hydrogel combining the highly elastic soft phase of Rec1-resilin and the mechanically strong hard phase Bombyx mori Silk fibroin has been reported using a rapid photo-crosslinking method. The improved elasticity and strength through the use of a resilin-based material and silk fibroin has been shown for the first time. Refereed/Peer-reviewed
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