Autor: Thomas M. Rivers, I. J. Kligler, R. S. Muckenfuss
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: The Journal of Experimental Medicine
ISSN: 0022-1007
Popis: The mode of transmission of certain virus diseases of chickens is still obscure. Fowl-pox as well as fowl plague are common diseases of the barnyard, both, according to reports, occurring during the spring and fall months. Many workers1, 2 state that attempts to infect by contact or by ingestion of infected foodstuffs usually fail. These facts suggested the possibility of insect transmission.Since fowl plague is not prevalent in this country our experiments were conducted with fowl-pox. Using Culex and Aedes mosquitoes it was possible to transfer the disease from infected to healthy fowls with considerable regularity by interrupting the mosquitoes after they began feeding on infected areas of the diseased chicken and allowing them to complete their meal on the comb or wattles of healthy ones. Positive transmission of the disease was obtained even when the interval between feedings was 2 hours. As a rule, 7 days after the feeding, typical minute vesicles appeared on the normal fowl wherever the proboscis o...
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