Fixed-time and continuous assays of very-low-density lipoprotein secretion rate from rat liver: mean vs. instantaneous velocity

Autor: Mehdi Rasouli, Kousar Daneshnia
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Clinical and Experimental Hepatology
ISSN: 2392-1099
Popis: Aim of the study The secretion rate of triglyceride from rat liver is assayed by the measurement of triglyceride accumulation in plasma when its clearance is inhibited. The aim of the study was to measure and compare the secretion rate of triglyceride from rat liver by two methods of fixed-time and continuous assays. Material and methods A single dose of 200 mg of poloxamer-407 (P-407) was injected i.p. into starved male rats. The secretion rate of triglyceride was measured by fixed-time and continuous assays. Results The time course for the changes of serum triglyceride following injection of P-407 showed three distinct phases: a lag period of about 30 minutes, a linear increase in serum triglyceride that lasted more than 4 hours, and a slight decline of triglyceride accumulation that lasted about 24 hours. The mean rate of triglyceride secretion was 234.1 ±9.6 mg/dl/h during the linear phase. The linear phase was divided into five time protocols of 240, 180, 120, 60, and 30 minutes and the secretion rate was measured at three points of time in each protocol. The mean rate of triglyceride secretion was 3.91 ±0.15, 3.83 ±0.16, 3.76 ±0.29, 3.57 ±0.43 and 3.13 ±0.34 mg/dl/min in these protocols respectively. In the kinetic assay, the change in the absorbance per three successive five minutes (ΔA/Δt) was measured and the secretion rate was calculated as 3.82 ±0.11 mg/dl/min. Conclusions The rate of triglyceride secretion can be measured by both fixed-time and kinetic assays and was about 3.82 ±0.11 mg/dl/min. The results of the two methods are more corresponded as the mean and instantaneous velocity respectively.
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