Existence of birational small Cohen-Macaulay modules over biquadratic extensions in mixed characteristic

Autor: Prashanth Sridhar
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Algebra. 582:100-116
ISSN: 0021-8693
Popis: Let $S$ be an unramified regular local ring of mixed characteristic two and $R$ the integral closure of $S$ in a biquadratic extension of its quotient field obtained by adjoining roots of sufficiently general square free elements $f,g\in S$. Let $S^2$ denote the subring of $S$ obtained by lifting to $S$ the image of the Frobenius map on $S/2S$. When at least one of $f,g\in S^2$, we characterize the Cohen-Macaulayness of $R$ and show that $R$ admits a birational small Cohen-Macaulay module. It is noted that $R$ is not automatically Cohen-Macaulay in case $f,g\in S^2$ or if $f,g\notin S^2$.
Comment: Final version, to appear in Journal of Algebra; minor changes, unabbreviated title, updated references
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