Additional file 10 of Proteomic analysis of low- and high-grade human colon adenocarcinoma tissues and tissue-derived primary cell lines reveals unique biological functions of tumours and new protein biomarker candidates

Autor: Munro, Matthew J., Wickremesekera, Susrutha K., Tan, Swee T., Peng, Lifeng
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.20330023
Popis: Additional file 10. Analysis of proteins with significantly differential expression in HGCA tissues compared to LGCA tissues. A, Proteins with significantly increased abundance with a medium confidence level (0.4), with GO terms or KEGG or Reactome pathways of interest coloured as follows: Red – detoxification; Blue – cellular zinc ion homeostasis; Light Green – regulation of growth; Yellow – immune response; Pink – immune system process; Teal – neutrophil degranulation; Orange – positive regulation of cell growth; Purple – leukocyte mediated immunity; Brown – myeloid leukocyte activation. B, Proteins with significantly decreased abundance with a medium confidence level (0.4), with GO terms or KEGG or Reactome pathways of interest coloured as follows: Red – nitrogen metabolism; Blue – tyrosine metabolism; Yellow – drug metabolism cytochrome P450.
Databáze: OpenAIRE