Utilizing Adaptive Software to Enhance Information Management
Autor: | Soini, J., Pekka Sillberg, Raitaniemi, J. |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok vydání: | 2012 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Tampere University |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.1081161 |
Popis: | The task of strategic information technology management is to focus on adapting technology to ensure competitiveness. A key factor for success in this sector is awareness and readiness to deploy new technologies and exploit the services they offer. Recently, the need for more flexible and dynamic user interfaces (UIs) has been recognized, especially in mobile applications. An ongoing research project (MOP), initiated by TUT in Finland, is looking at how mobile device UIs can be adapted for different needs and contexts. It focuses on examining the possibilities to develop adapter software for solving the challenges related to the UI and its flexibility in mobile devices. This approach has great potential for enhancing information transfer in mobile devices, and consequently for improving information management. 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