Why African Americans say 'No': A Study of Pharmacogenomic Research Participation

Autor: Ramesh Subrahmanyam, Paula N. Friedman, Mohammed Shaazuddin, Edith A. Nutescu, Matthew Tuck, Myurani Sathyanarayanan, Jeff Banagan, Courtney L. Scherr, Diana Moreno, Honghong Zhang, Tharani Jeyaram, Mary Harris, Adriana Rodriguez, Minoli A. Perera, Mohammed Nooruddin
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Ethn Dis
ISSN: 1945-0826
Popis: Objective: To identify reasons for nonpar­ticipation by African Americans in cardio­vascular pharmacogenomic research. Design: Prospective, open-ended, qualita­tive survey. Setting: Research staff approached patients eligible for the Discovery Project of The African American Cardiovascular pharma­cogenomics CONsorTium in the inpatient or outpatient setting at four different institu­tions during September and October 2018. Participants: Potential Discovery Proj­ect participants self-identified as African American, aged >18 years, were on one of five cardiovascular drugs of interest, and de­clined enrollment in the Discovery Project. Methods: After declining participation in the Discovery Project, patients were asked, “What are your reasons for not participat­ing?” We analyzed their responses using a directed content analytic approach. Ultimately, responses were coded into one of nine categories and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Main Outcome Measures: Reasons for nonparticipation. Results: Of the 194 people approached for the Discovery Project during an eight-week period, 82 declined participation and provided information for this study. The most common reason for refusal was concern about the amount of blood drawn (19.5%). The next most common reasons for refusal to participate included concerns about genetic testing (14.6%) and mistrust of research (12.2%). Across study sites, significantly more patients enrolled in the inpatient than outpatient setting (P
Databáze: OpenAIRE