How does mutual ownership affect insurance investments?

Autor: Jakša Krišto, Maja Mihelja Žaja, Saša Jakšić
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management. 11:100191
ISSN: 2213-297X
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcom.2022.100191
Popis: This paper aims to explore the extent to which mutual and cooperative insurers contribute to insurance sector investment structures in different European Union (EU) member states. Does a higher share of mutual or cooperative insurers drive and influence different structures of insurance investments? This paper applies a panel data methodology to annual data on the structure of insurance investments of selected EU member states, data on the share of mutual and cooperative insurers, selected insurance, financial sectors, and macroeconomic indicators. The results and discussion in this paper emphasise drivers of insurance investment with a special focus on mutual ownership. This paper contributes to research on the mutual and cooperative investment approach and their potential contribution to the community and economic development.
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