Peroneal nerve conduction in tick paralysis

Autor: Maurice F. Murnaghan, Michael MacConaill
Rok vydání: 1967
Zdroj: Irish Journal of Medical Science. 42:473-477
ISSN: 0021-1265
Popis: Conduction in 50–100 mm. lengths of a mixed nerve, the peroneal, in tick paralysed dogs was investigated.In vivo, a reduction of the gross amplitude of the action potential to half the control value was seen.In vitro, no difference could be found in the amplitudes of the action potentials of nerves from paralysed and normal dogs. This held whether the nerves were bathed in Locke solution or in plasma from the same dog. The results suggest that there is a variation in the sensitivity of the nodes of Ranver to the toxin so that the longer the length of the nerve trunk examined the greater will be the probability that an increasing number of fibres will show a block in conduction.
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