Probing magnetism in exfoliated VI$_3$ layers with magnetotransport

Autor: David Soler-Delgado, Fengrui Yao, Dumitru Dumcenco, Enrico Giannini, Jiaruo Li, Connor A. Occhialini, Riccardo Comin, Nicolas Ubrig, Alberto F. Morpurgo
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2204.10010
Popis: We perform magnetotransport experiments on VI$_3$ multilayers, to investigate the relation between ferromagnetism in bulk and in exfoliated layers. The magnetoconductance measured on field-effect transistors and tunnel barriers shows that the Curie temperature of exfoliated multilayers is $T_C$ = 57 K, larger than in bulk ($T_{\rm C,bulk}$ = 50 K). Below $T \approx$ 40 K, we observe an unusual evolution of the tunneling magnetoconductance, analogous to the phenomenology observed in bulk. Comparing the magnetoconductance measured for fields applied in- or out-of-plane corroborates the analogy, allows us to determine that the orientation of the easy-axis in multilayers is similar to that in bulk, and suggests that the in-plane component of the magnetization points in different directions in different layers. Besides establishing that the magnetic state of bulk and multilayers are similar, our experiments illustrate the complementarity of magnetotransport and magneto-optical measurements to probe magnetism in 2D materials.
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