Supplemental material for Risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events and mortality in patients with migraine receiving prophylactic treatments: An observational cohort study

Autor: Hoffman, Veena, Xue, Fei, Ezzy, Stephen M, Yusuf, Akeem, Green, Edward, Osa Eisele, Kurth, Tobias, Seeger, John D
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.25384/sage.8280878
Popis: Supplemental Material for Risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events and mortality in patients with migraine receiving prophylactic treatments: An observational cohort study by Veena Hoffman, Fei Xue, Stephen M Ezzy, Akeem Yusuf, Edward Green, Osa Eisele, Tobias Kurth and John D Seeger in Cephalalgia
Databáze: OpenAIRE