Modeling And Simulation Of Psm Dc-Dc Buck Converter

Autor: Ramamurthy S, Vanaja Ranjan P
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2010
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1078822
Popis: A DC-to-DC converter for applications involving a source with widely varying voltage conditions with loads requiring constant voltage from full load down to no load is presented. The switching regulator considered is a Buck converter with Pulse Skipping Modulation control whereby pulses applied to the switch are blocked or released on output voltage crossing a predetermined value. Results of the study on the performance of regulator circuit are presented. The regulator regulates over a wide input voltage range with slightly higher ripple content and good transient response. Input current spectrum indicates a good EMI performance with crowding of components at low frequency range.
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