Apaeleticus americanus Cushman 1926

Autor: Dal Pos, Davide, Heilman, Victoria, Welter-Schultes, Francisco
Rok vydání: 2022
ISSN: 0152-4100
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7404689
Popis: Apaeleticus americanus Cushman, 1926 (Figures 7a – 8) Apaeliticus americanus Cushman, 1926: 4 (descr.); Townes 1944: 310 (cat.); Townes and Townes 1951: 280 (distr.; cat.); Strickland 1952: 120 (distr.); Heinrich 1962b: 792 (descr., distr., neallotype designation, fig., key); Heinrich 1977: 282 (descr., distr., key); Carlson 1979: 542 (cat., distr.); Yu and Horstmann 1997: 673 (cat.); Yu et al. 2016 (cat.). Original type series Holotype ♀, by original designation (USNM); paratype ♀ (USNM). Cushman (1926, p. 4) described the species based on two female specimens, clearly referring to the one collected on 7 September 1916 as ‘the type’, providing a catalogue number for it, and the one collected on Mount Katahdin as ‘the paratype’. Type locality United States of America, Maryland, ‘ Cabin John ’. Type specimens examined (Figure 7a–7d) Holotype: ‘[White Label] Cabin John/Md 7.ix’.16 // [White Label] RM Fouts/Collector // [Red label] Type No./ 27,682 / U.S. N.M. // [White Label] Apaeleticus / americanus /Type. Cush. // [White Label] USNMENT/[Barcode]/01524100’ (USNM) (images examined). Updated distribution (Figure 8) CANADA: Alberta (Townes and Townes 1951). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Alabama (Heinrich 1977), Arizona (Carlson 1979), District of Columbia (Carlson 1979), Florida (Heinrich 1977), Louisiana (Heinrich 1977), Maine (Cushman 1926), Maryland (Cushman 1926), Tennessee (Heinrich 1977). Host Unknown. Male The first description of a male was provided by Heinrich (1962b, p. 792), who referred to the specimen as the neallotype. Comments The two records by Carlson (1979, p. 542) (Arizona and District of Columbia) were not listed in the catalogue by Yu et al. (2016). Heinrich (1977) acknowledged the possibility that the other Nearctic species of the genus, A. brunnescens Heinrich, 1962b, is simply a subspecies of A. americanus, while treating it as separate.
Published as part of Dal Pos, Davide, Heilman, Victoria & Welter-Schultes, Francisco, 2022, Platylabini (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Ichneumoninae) of the south-eastern United States: new distributional data, taxonomic notes, illustrated keys, and an annotated catalogue of the genera and species, pp. 1869-1938 in Journal of Natural History 56 on pages 1881-1882, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2022.2134061, http://zenodo.org/record/7397619
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