The need for knowledge modification in technology change: a framework to consider changes in domain complexity, knowledge and productivity

Autor: Lars Lindegaard Mikkelsen, Erik Skov Madsen
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Madsen, E S & Mikkelsen, L L 2018, ' The Need for Knowledge Modification in Technology Change:-A Framework to Consider Changes in Domain Complexity, Knowledge and Productivity ', Production Planning & Control, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 91-105 .
ISSN: 1366-5871
Popis: This paper researches productivity in relation to domain complexity and the present knowledge capacity in an organisational context. The study is based on five very different case studies. Three studies are conducted in Denmark, Germany, Mexico and China and are related to knowledge transfer in the relocation of manufacturing facilities. Two studies investigate operation and automation of oil and gas production in the North Sea. The case study method involves semi-structured interviews, surveys, an analysis of historical production data and observations. Based on the findings from the field studies, the paper develops a conceptual framework that management can use for discussions of productivity, development of knowledge and design of learning programmes when considering changes in the complexity of a domain or a change in knowledge.
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