Personal research, second opinions, and the diagnostic effort of experts

Autor: Kislaya Prasad, Che-Wei Liu, Ritu Agarwal
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 158:44-61
ISSN: 0167-2681
Popis: In credence goods markets such as those for diagnostic healthcare services, opportunistic experts could either exert costly but unobservable effort, or little effort to identify the service that meets customers’ needs. We investigate the effect of increasing the information endowment of customers in markets where there is a separation of diagnosis and treatment under two alternative institutions: customers (principals) may either directly acquire information through personal research (PR) before consulting the expert or obtain a second opinion (SO) after diagnosis. We compute the market equilibrium conditions for these two institutions and study their effects empirically in a series of experiments with 244 participants. We find that the institution PR dominates the baseline (of no access to information for customers) and SO with respect to market efficiency, and extracts greater effort from experts. Principals use information consistent with theoretical predictions in both institutional settings, and have a preference for PR.
Databáze: OpenAIRE