Additional file 2: Figure S1. of Intraperitoneally infused human mesenchymal stem cells form aggregates with mouse immune cells and attach to peritoneal organs

Autor: Bazhanov, Nikolay, Ylostalo, Joni, Bartosh, Thomas, Tiblow, April, Arezoo Mohammadipoor, Foskett, Andrea, Prockop, Darwin
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3614027_d8.v1
Popis: Detection of MSC in mouse tissues and peritoneal lavage by real-time PCR. (A) Standard curves of known amounts of human cells added to mouse tissues plotted versus corresponding delta Ct values (Ct human GAPDH – Ct values eukaryotic 18S) obtained by real-time PCR in the same tissues. Points represent average values for delta-Ct, lines represent logarithmic model fit. (B) Peritoneal lavage from human MSC-injected BALB/c was collected and total number of recovered cells was enumerated with hemocytometer. Values are mean ± SEM, n = 4–5. OM omentum, MT mesentery, PLP cell pellet from peritoneal lavage, JLN jejunal lymph nodes, SP spleen. (PDF 58 kb)
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