How a Museum Dies: The Case of New Entry Failure of a Sydney Museum

Autor: Christine Burton
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Museum Management and Curatorship. 22:109-129
ISSN: 1872-9185
DOI: 10.1080/09647770701470302
Popis: This article reports on a case study of a failed new entrant Sydney museum that entered the museum market in 1991 and exited in 1997. In tracking the trajectory of the new entrant museum, and the relationship between managers and stakeholders, factors can be isolated that enhance or erode value creation, capture and exchange. The study suggests that the framework of value creation, capture and exchange can be established as a template for assessing stakeholder relationships in the case of new entry. This particular case also highlights the conflicts and complexities inherent in repositioning government dependent, public good institutions to more market driven enterprises.
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