Black Tern Nest Habitat Selection and Factors Affecting Nest Success in Northwestern Minnesota

Autor: John R Fieberg, Michael R. Riggs, Stephen J. Maxson
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Waterbirds. 30:1-9
ISSN: 1938-5390
DOI: 10.1675/1524-4695(2007)030[0001:btnhsa];2
Popis: We documented nest habitat selection, nests success, and factors affecting nest success of Black Terns (Chlidonias niger) at Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge in northwestern Minnesota. During 1992-1994, 289 Black Tern nest sites and 400 random sites were sampled on five search areas totaling 1,325 ha. Four habitat characteristics were measured at each nest and random site: (1) mean water depth, (2) distance to open water, (3) dominant vegetation within a 2-m radius, and (4) amount of open water within a 2-m radius. Habitat variables were highly correlated with each other, making it difficult to estimate independent effects of each habitat variable on nest-site selection. However, conditional logistic regression models indicated that locations closer to open water and in deeper water were more likely to be associated with nest sites. Locations in bulrush (Scirpus acutus) and sedge/grass were preferred, although 68% of nests were in cattail (Typha spp.) reflecting the greater availability of that h...
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