Diversity and autonomy in the structuration of a multilevel organizational social network in a technology park

Autor: Luciano Mattar, Jorge Alexandre Barbosa Neves, Silvio Salej Higgins
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Social Networks. 68:346-355
ISSN: 0378-8733
Popis: In organizational settings, along with their formal rules, informal norms and social preferences drive the formation of interpersonal networks. Empirical evidence and theoretical claims maintain that individual epistemic status influences the choice of an adviser in interpersonal advice networks within an organizational environment. In the context of an industrial cluster, the interpersonal networks are affiliated with the interorganizational network of the companies. Therefore, another source of influence to be considered is the interdependency of the interorganizational level relations among the companies in which the individuals are nested. Thus, beyond the one-level perspective, which is the usual approach in organizational network studies, this article explores how the interdependency of the interorganizational level can influence the dynamic of endogenous structuration of interpersonal relations. The object of this study is a collaboration network among companies and an advice network among directors from a Brazilian knowledge-intensive technological cluster. Through the use of the multilevel exponential random graph model (MERGM), statistical interdependent dynamics were identified between the two levels guided by the social processes of tie creation that result in similarities and distinctions between both levels of analysis. The centralization based on the activity of seeking advice guides the directors' network, and among companies there are multiple transitive and hierarchical closures with some intermediation between them. However, activity-based centralization also guides companies. From a multilevel perspective, the diversity of network processes that guide each level indicates that the cross-level interdependency between the two levels does not prevent some autonomy of the individual level from the organizational one.
Databáze: OpenAIRE