Reconstitution of Embryo-Like Structures from Sea Urchin Embryo Cells: Distinction Between Cell-Cell and Cell-Substrate Associations

Autor: Michiko Watanabe, Robert S. Turner, Donald R. Bertolini, J. Randolph Schnttman
Rok vydání: 1982
Zdroj: Differentiation. 21:79-85
ISSN: 0301-4681
Popis: Sea urchin embryos can be dissociated into a suspension of single cells that reconstitute embryo-like structures. When reconstitution is conducted in stationary cultures the first step is attachment of the cells to the culture plate, which requires calcium and metabolic energy but not protein synthesis. We have found that protease treated cells form cell-cell associations in stationary cultures without attaching to the culture plates, and that cell-plate attachments are unaffected by inhibition of protein synthesis. These data suggest that cell surface proteins are needed for cell-plate attachment and that these proteins are present on freshly dissociated cells. We also demonstrated that butanol extracted cells attach to the plates, but do not form functional cell-cell associations unless the butanol extracted material is restored to them. We conclude that sea urchin embryo cells contain two classes of attachment components. The first class functions in the cell-plate attachments, is protease sensitive, and not extracted by butanol; the second class is necessary for cell-cell associations, is protease insensitive, and extracted by butanol. Since protease treated cells reconstitute embryo-like structures without attaching to the culture plates, only the second class of attachment components is necessary for embryo reconstitution.
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