Improving preschoolers’ mathematics achievement with tablets: a randomized controlled trial

Autor: John Schacter, Booil Jo
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Mathematics Education Research Journal. 29:313-327
ISSN: 2211-050X
DOI: 10.1007/s13394-017-0203-9
Popis: With a randomized field experiment of 433 preschoolers, we tested a tablet mathematics program designed to increase young children’s mathematics learning. Intervention students played Math Shelf, a comprehensive iPad preschool and year 1 mathematics app, while comparison children received research-based hands-on mathematics instruction delivered by their classroom teachers. After 22 weeks, there was a large and statistically significant effect on mathematics achievement for Math Shelf students (Cohen’s d = .94). Moderator analyses demonstrated an even larger effect for low achieving children (Cohen’s d = 1.27). These results suggest that early education teachers can improve their students’ mathematics outcomes by integrating experimentally proven tablet software into their daily routines.
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