Influence of 1BL.1RS wheat-rye chromosome translocation on genotype by environment interaction

Autor: C Eder, Tamas Lelley, Heinrich Grausgruber
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Journal of Cereal Science. 39:313-320
ISSN: 0733-5210
Popis: Six pairs of near isogenic wheat lines with and without the 1BL.1RS wheat-rye chromosome translocation originating from Austria and Hungary were grown in eleven environments and analysed for agronomic and quality traits. Stability across environments, estimated by ecovalence and mean deviation from regression, was calculated for yield, test weight, protein and wet gluten content, and SDS-protein gel test. Yield stability parameters were found to be similar for both translocated and non-translocated lines, whereas for the other investigated traits clear differences were found. Higher stability, however, could not generally be attributed to translocated or non-translocated lines. Thus, for environmental stability the genotype of the wheat background appears to be more important than the presence of the translocation. Combining the means for yield, test weight, protein and wet gluten content and their environmental stabilities revealed four genotypes performing better than average. These included two genotypes carrying the 1BL.1RS translocation and two without the translocation. However, when gluten quality is additionally considered, as measured by the SDS-protein gel test, the two translocation lines fall back below average. These observations and the results of a literature survey led us to conclude, that the value of the 1BL.1RS translocation for wheat breeding in its present form is indeed questionable, especially if the often associated unfavourable effects of 1RS on gluten and bread making quality are considered.
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