The estimation of the energy requirement of two communities in rural Burundi (Africa)

Autor: K. Callens, H.K. Henderickx, L. D'Haese
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 24:149-156
ISSN: 1543-5237
Popis: Data on the activity pattern of two Burundese population groups indicate that the metabolic constants, as adopted by the 1985 joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Committee, overrate the actual energy expenditure for physical activity in these groups. Of the several possible reasons, the most obvious is that due to malnutrition in late childhood the working capacity in these individuals has been reduced. To account for this reduction, the metabolic constants should be adjusted according to the work intensity. As yet, insufficient data are available to evaluate the possibility of a changed work efficiency. In view of the importance of nutritional planning in developing countries, further research into the subject seems to be indispensable.
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