Analysis of Focusing Properties of the Edge Electric Field of the Accelerating Structure of the Lue-200 Accelerator

Autor: Alexey Barnyakov, M. V. Arsentyeva, A. P. Sumbaev, Alexey Levichev
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Russian Physics Journal. 63:1133-1138
ISSN: 1573-9228
Popis: The electric component of the RF field at the input of the traveling wave accelerating structure (operating frequency of 2856 MHz) of the LUE-200 linear electron accelerator – a driver for the pulsed source of the IREN facility developed at the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia) – is considered. The estimates of the focusing effect of the RF field on the nonrelativistic electron beam injected into the structure after the buncher performed for the thin electric lens model have shown that the focusing effect of the edge RF field for the beam particles turns out to be sufficiently rigid.
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