Exploring Practices of Bedside Shift Report and Hourly Rounding. Is There an Impact on Patient Falls?

Autor: Jessica O'Brien, Alan Levin, Lauren Stoerger, Carolyn Sun, Kenrick Cato, Caroline J. Fu
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration. 50:355-362
ISSN: 1539-0721
DOI: 10.1097/nna.0000000000000897
Popis: Objective To describe the relationship of inpatient falls to bedside shift report (BSR) and hourly rounding (HR). Background Falls are a major healthcare concern. Although measures such as BSR and HR are reported to reduce falls, studies are often based on self-reported data related to nurse compliance with protocols for HR and bedside report. Methods Observational data were collected on nursing tasks, including BSR and HR. Results Nine thousand six hundred ninety-three observations were recorded on 11 units at 4 hospitals over 281 shifts. Falls were associated with shift and day of the week but not BSR, HR, or the frequency of encounters with the patient. The regression model included frequency with patient, shift, day of week, and HR. Conclusions Increased nurse frequency with patient may signal increased fall risks. Bedside shift report and HR may require robust and sustained interventions to provide lasting effects.
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