Intensifying Magnetic Separation of Iron-Bearing Sulfide Minerals by Electron Beam Irradiation Pretreatment

Autor: Huai Fa Wang, Cai Li Wang, Shou Ci Lu
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Advanced Materials Research. :945-949
ISSN: 1662-8985
DOI: 10.4028/
Popis: The changes of magnetic property of several iron bearing sulfide minerals after strong beam current electron irradiation are examined. Data shows that the magnetic susceptibility of arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite increases markedly compared to that of pyrite and marmatite. The magnetic susceptibility of arsenopyrite exceeds the lowest ferromagnetic limit 3000 cm3/g, while the susceptibility changes of other minerals are relatively slow. The irradiation dose is the dominate parameter determining the magnetic susceptibility change. Electron beam irradiation might be a potential method to enlarge the magnetic property distinction between the minerals for their magnetic separation.
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