Effect of spillage on water quality during transshipment of dry bulk solids

Autor: Gabriel Lodewijks, Erwin Roex, Dingena L. Schott, Joan C. Rijsenbrij
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 2011 IEEE Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems.
DOI: 10.1109/fists.2011.5973656
Popis: During transshipment of dry bulk solids spillage from grabs regularly takes place due to several reasons. So far, the effect of this spillage on the water quality in ports is unknown. This research investigated the effect of commonly handled dry bulk materials (iron ore, steam coal, soybean meal, wheat, aluminum oxide) on water quality. A set of three toxic measurements was performed with organisms of different trophic levels (the crustacean Daphnia magna, the bacteria Vibrio fischeri, and the algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata). The results revealed that no acute toxic effect of steam coal, iron oxide, wood pellets, petroleum cokes, and fertilizer were found for concentrations up to 180 mg/L. Effects were found for wheat, aluminum oxide and soybean meal for concentrations lower than 180 mg/L. Interpretation of the results depends on the actual concentrations of the spilled material in water. Therefore, location specific circumstances such as type of port (e.g. sea or inland port), water flow, water depth and expected dilution of the water, should be taken into account.
Databáze: OpenAIRE