18F-FDG PET hypometabolism patterns reflect clinical heterogeneity in sporadic forms of early-onset Alzheimer's disease

Autor: Xavier Delbeuck, Renaud Lopes, Florence Pasquier, Franck Semah, Adeline Rollin Sillaire, Grégory Petyt, Aurélien Maureille, Matthieu Vanhoutte, Rachid Fahmi, Alice Jaillard, Grégory Kuchcinski
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Neurobiology of Aging. 59:184-196
ISSN: 0197-4580
DOI: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2017.08.009
Popis: Until now, hypometabolic patterns and their correlations with neuropsychological performance have not been assessed as a function of the various presentations of sporadic early-onset Alzheimer's disease (EOAD). Here, we processed and analyzed the patients' metabolic maps at the vertex and voxel levels by using a nonparametric, permutation method that also regressed out the effects of cortical thickness and gray matter volume, respectively. The hypometabolism patterns in several areas of the brain were significantly correlated with the clinical manifestations. These areas included the paralimbic regions for typical presentations of sporadic EOAD. For atypical presentations, the hypometabolic regions included Broca's and Wernicke's areas and the pulvinar in language forms, bilateral primary and higher processing visual regions (with right predominance) in visuospatial forms, and the bilateral prefrontal cortex in executive forms. Similar hypometabolism patterns were also observed in a correlation analysis of the 18F-FDG PET data versus domain-specific, neuropsychological test scores. These heterogeneities might reflect different underlying pathophysiological processes in particular clinical presentations of sporadic EOAD and should be taken into account in future longitudinal and therapeutic studies.
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