Etapy prowizji kanonicznej na urząd proboszcza w obowiązującym polskim ustawodawstwie synodalnym

Autor: Radosław Wnuk
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Roczniki Nauk Prawnych. 28:133-149
ISSN: 2544-5227
Popis: The provision of the office of the pastor in law of Polish synods, like in the Code of Canon Law, has three stages: 1) the designation of the person, 2) the conferral of the post and 3) the possession of the office. According to the universal and particular law, it can be autonomous or subsidiary. In the autonomous provision diocesan bishop makes freely appointment (can. 523-535). In contrast, in the subsidiary provision some competent authority appoints the candidate and diocesan bishop only confers the post (can. 525; 682 § 1). According to particular legislators, the conferral of the post should be made with a decree of appointment. A written decree must be a singular administrative act (can. 48-57). Introduction to the possession of the parish by the local ordinary or his delegate and this possession by the pastor is the last stage of the provision. It has two strands in particular law: juridical (the composing and the signing the protocol by the pastor and other competent people acting) and liturgical (solemn enthronement of the new pastor to parochial church according to particular rite in operation). Moreover, particular legislators obligate the one promoted, during the possession of the office, to make the profession of faith (can. 833, 6°) and take the oath of fidelity according to the formula approved by the Apostolic See.
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