Balance state development and correction methods in preschool children

Autor: Pavel Bochkov
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Scientific Visnyk V.O. Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University. Pedagogical Sciences. 66:31-36
ISSN: 2518-7813
Popis: In the article the methods of balance function formation in preschool children with musculoskeletal system disorders are systematized and analyzed. In the basis of dynamic stability correction in this children contingent were laid phylogenetically predisposed mechanisms of the postural aplomb system, reflected in periods of early child ontogeny: vestibular - visual - proprioceptive - gift - oculomotor. To improve each of these input channels of the aplomb postural system, a specific technique algorithm for the development and correction of the balance function in preschool children with motor disorders was developed. For the vestibular channel it is suggested to use methods of hydraulic inverted (mirroring), "weightlessness", smoothness (metered angular accelerations). For the visual channel you can use the methods of "dark room", "tuning fork", "dawn". Proprioceptive channel improvement of the postural aplomb system involves the use of gradually reducing methods of bearing surface area, strengthening proprioceptive sensations (the method of "two fans"). The given canal of the child vestibular system can be developed using such methods as "topographic", "two-axis – one-axis", sensory stimulation, contrast method, and also the method of "stilts". The oculomotor system of child with balance state disturbances can be improved by the method of expanding oculomotor space-time eyes possibilities, the method of the ball, as well as the method of visual selective object capture, separating it from a variety of objects or from fleeting environment. This classification of methods are given with their conditional division into natural, phylogenetic and ontogenetic predetermined, and artificial, based on the use of the subject-spatial component (equipment, simulators and inventory), as well as the use of the possibilities of information and computer technologies with reverse biological bonds. The prospects of studying the development methods and correction of balance function in preschool children with motor disorders is the development of specific exercise complexes for each of the developed methods, followed by their practical testing in this children contingent.
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