The Association between Hazardous Drinking Indicators and Drinking Problem Concerns among Sexual Minority Women

Autor: Margaret M. Paschen-Wolff, Jennifer M. Putney, Thomas Corbeil, Tse-Hwei Choo, Tonda L. Hughes
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health. 2:317-335
ISSN: 2688-4518
Popis: Sexual minority women (SMW) report high rates of hazardous drinking (HD), treatment utilization that is not commensurate with need, and low perceived alcohol use severity. This study examined SMW's drinking problem concerns by sexual identity and other demographic characteristics, and the strength of associations between endorsement of unique HD indicators and drinking problem concerns. Data were from a supplemental sample of SMW added in Wave 3 of the longitudinal, community-based Chicago Health and Life Experiences of Women (CHLEW) study. HD was measured using a validated 13-item HD Index (HDI). Multivariable logistic regression models examined independent associations between past-five-year drinking problem concerns and each HD indicator. Twelve HD indicators were significantly associated with past-five-year drinking problem concerns, adjusting for age and sexual identity. Adjusted odds ratios varied from 2.44 for driving drunk to 15.52 for drinking first thing in the morning. After adjusting for number of HD indicators endorsed, associations were no longer significant, indicating that number of endorsed indicators was a more important predictor of drinking problem concerns than were individual HD indicators. Early intervention and harm reduction strategies could support SMW in addressing salient aspects of HD before progression to alcohol use disorder.
Databáze: OpenAIRE