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[3H] Corticosterone undergoes extensive 21-acylation on incubation with minced mammary glands from lactating rats. A purified 21-acyl [3H] corticosterone fraction was obtained by subjecting extracts of the incubated tissues to Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography followed by partitioning between n-heptane/methanol. The methanol extracts were chromatographed consecutively on columns of silica gel and C18-silanized (reverse-phase) silica gel. The radioactive product was methoximated and re-chromatographed on the reverse-phase column. Mass spectral analysis of the 21-acyl [3H] corticosterone 3,20-dimethoxime and synthetic corticosterone 21-oleate 3,20-dimethoxime suggested identity. Confirmation of the precise nature of the 21-acyl moiety was obtained by isotope dilution analysis of the underivatized radiometabolite with corticosterone 21-oleate. The composition of the 21-acyl [3H] corticosterone fraction (i.e. before extensive purification) was ascertained by isotope dilution analysis with various corticosterone esters. It appears that [3H] corticosterone 21-oleate is a major component of this fraction, representing 80% of the radioactivity; [3H] corticosterone 21-linoleate is a minor component, i.e. 8.6%. [3H] Corticosterone 21-palmitate, [3H] corticosterone 21-arachidonate, and [3H] corticosterone 21-stearate, if indeed present, constitute considerably less than 14, 6, and 2%, respectively, of the radiometabolite fraction. It is suggested that bioacylation of corticosterone serves to modulate the biological action of the glucocorticoid hormone on the mammary glands during lactation. |