Cadmium Sulfide Thin Films by Chemical Bath Deposition Technique

Autor: M. S. Aida, S. Hariech
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Advances in Energy Materials ISBN: 9783030501075
Popis: In this chapter, we describe the usefulness of chemical bath deposition (CBD) technique to produce high-quality thin films of cadmium sulfide for large-scale applications. In terms of operation, CBD offers unique blend of cost-effectiveness and rapid deposition rate of thin films with controlled morphology and crystallite size. Compared to other expensive thin films deposition techniques, this strategy involves the use of low-cost precursors, solvents and ambient conditions or mild temperature (up to 70 °C). Here, we explain the fundamentals of CBD with emphasis on growth mechanisms in CBD and influence of key parameters like temperature, reaction time, substrates type, and solvent to grow high conformal thin films for technological grade.
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