Kindle, Kindle Burning Bright; or, Twenty-First Century Fiction and the Poetics of Such: Prologue II

Autor: Mark Axelrod-Sokolov
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Untheories of Fiction ISBN: 9783030593452
Popis: Untheories Of The Novel Literary Essays From Diderot To Markson takes a closer look at the diversity of fiction writing from Diderot to David Markson and by so doing calls into question the notion of a singular “theory of fiction,” especially in relation to the novel. Unlike Forster’s approach to “Aspects of the Novel,” which implied there is only one kind of novel to which there may be an aspect, the text deconstructs how one approach to studying something as protean as the novel cannot be accomplished, hence the notion of an “untheory” of the novel that brings to the fore the undeniable creative expansiveness of the novel. To that end, the text uses Diderot’s This Is Not A Story (1772) and David Markson’s This Is Not A Novel (2016) as a frame and between them are essays on De Maistre’s Voyage Around My Room, Machado de Assis’s Posthumous Memoirs Of Bras Cubas, Andre Breton’s Nadja, and Elizabeth Smart’s By Grand Central Station I Sat Down And Wept.
Databáze: OpenAIRE