Theoretical Studies of Distyrylbenzene and its Optical Properties

Autor: Juen-Kai Wang, Hsu Feng-Cheng, Hsin-Yi Wang, H.-C. Shieh, Chun-Tong Chen, Michitoshi Hayashi, S. H. Lin
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society. 52:665-675
ISSN: 0009-4536
Popis: The electronic and geometrical properties of distyrylbenzene (DSB) are investigated by using chemistry theoretical calculation methods. Specifically, the excited state properties are studied by performing ab initio correlation interaction singlet (CIS) and time-dependent density functional theory; the ground state and Raman activities are computed by density functional theory with the B3LYP method. Eight conformers of distyrylbenzene are found and they are derived from three isomers which are cis, cis-, cis, trans-, and trans, trans-, respectively. The relative energy shows that each isomer of three types is separated with a large energy barrier, but a small energy difference of each conformer is found if they are in the same type. The transition state also shows the barrier between conformers is lower than isomers. The computed excited transition energies using ZINDO/S based on the optimized geometries at a DFT/B3LYP level with 6–31+G show an excellent agreement with experimental absorption spectra.
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