Scalable Fast Rank-1 Dictionary Learning for fMRI Big Data Analysis

Autor: Ian Davidson, Jieping Ye, Xiang Li, Binbin Lin, Mojtaba Sedigh Fazli, Tianming Liu, Milad Makkie, Shannon Quinn
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: KDD
Popis: It has been shown from various functional neuroimaging studies that sparsity-regularized dictionary learning could achieve superior performance in decomposing comprehensive and neuroscientifically meaningful functional networks from massive fMRI signals. However, the computational cost for solving the dictionary learning problem has been known to be very demanding, especially when dealing with large-scale data sets. Thus in this work, we propose a novel distributed rank-1 dictionary learning (D-r1DL) model and apply it for fMRI big data analysis. The model estimates one rank-1 basis vector with sparsity constraint on its loading coefficient from the input data at each learning step through alternating least squares updates. By iteratively learning the rank-1 basis and deflating the input data at each step, the model is then capable of decomposing the whole set of functional networks. We implement and parallelize the rank-1 dictionary learning algorithm using Spark engine and deployed the resilient distributed dataset (RDDs) abstracts for the data distribution and operations. Experimental results from applying the model on the Human Connectome Project (HCP) data show that the proposed D-r1DL model is efficient and scalable towards fMRI big data analytics, thus enabling data-driven neuroscientific discovery from massive fMRI big data in the future.
Databáze: OpenAIRE