Quantifying UVA Light Induced Cell Damage via Time-Lapse OIR Microscopy

Autor: Sylvie Landry, Werden Keeler, P L McGhee, RJ Girardin
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Microscopy and Microanalysis. 13
ISSN: 1435-8115
DOI: 10.1017/s1431927607073400
Popis: Real-time OIR microscopy of living cells provides a means for monitoring cellular activity such as macromolecular streaming, cell motility and other structural movement [1]. If treatment-induced damage results in changes in cellular activity, then viewing time-lapse movies provides a qualitative assessment of that damage. An image analysis program, developed by the authors, was used to quantify the changes that were observed. The program uses procedures incorporated into the MaxIm DL software development library [2]. One algorithm computes the root-mean-square intensity (RMS I) associated with each OIR image. Although this value does not quantify movement, it does provide a measure of the overall image intensity. A second algorithm calculates the RMS value associated with the intensity difference computed on a pixel-by-pixel basis from adjacent OIR images (RMS dI/dt), providing a measure of the rate of change in cellular activity.
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