Structural Chromosomal Abnormalities in Couples with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Autor: Ayhan Deviren, Şükriye Yilmaz, Ayşe Çirakoğlu, Seniha Hacihanefioğlu, Dilhan Kuru, Seyfettin Uludağ, Gülgün S. Güven, Yelda Tarkan-Argüden
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences. 30:1185-1188
ISSN: 1300-0292
Popis: ABS TRACT Objective: Recurrent pregnancy loss is an important problem affecting couples trying to conceive. Genetic factors, particularly chromosomal abnormalities appear to be highly associated with reproductive loss. The frequency of presence of at least one partner, who is a carrier of a struc tural chromosome rearrangement, varies from 3% to 11% among couples with a history of recur rent pregnancy loss. The aim of this study was to introduce the cytogenetic data of couples that referred with recurrent pregnancy loss to our center. Material and Methods: Chromosome analy ses were performed in 449 couples with more than one pregnancy loss using GTL banding. Results: Chromosome abnormalities were detected in one partner in 19 of 449 couples. All chromosome abnormalities were structural, and 18 of them were balanced. Autosomal reciprocal translocations were the most frequent type (2.9%) of abnormalities. The unique Robertsonian translocation found in our study was t(13;14), which was observed in two patients. Chromosomal heteromorphisms were determined in 19.59% of patients. Conclusion: The frequency of chromosomal abnormalities were found as 4.23% in our series. Cytogenetic investigation of couples with recurrent pregnancy loss is necessary as chromosomal abnormalities constitute a very important part of factors that cause pregnancy loss.
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