Brueelia galeata Gustafsson & Najer & Zou & Bush 2022, sp. nov

Autor: Gustafsson, Daniel R., Najer, Tomas, Zou, Fasheng, Bush, Sarah E.
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6483902
Popis: Brueelia galeata sp. nov. BD97F651-7E39-4B81-AECD-6FD4E00BC734 Figs 78–84 Diagnosis Brueelia galeata sp. nov. is most similar to Br. celer sp. nov. and Br. pseudognatha Gustafsson & Bush, 2017, with which it shares the following characters: abdominal segments IV and VII in both sexes with 1 ps on each side (Figs 71–72, 78–79); female abdominal segment VI with only 1 ps on each side (Figs 72, 79); male tergopleurite IV without aps (Figs 71, 78); head rounded dome-shaped (Figs 73, 80) and relatively narrow rugose area on distal ends of mesosomal lobes (Figs 76, 83). With Br. celer sp. nov. it further shares basal apodeme of male genitalia with rounded anterior margin (Figs 74, 81); proximal mesosome with convex anterior and lateral margins, without lateral projections (Figs 76, 83); stocky crescent-shaped gonopore (Figs 76, 83) and penile arms reaching beyond distal end of mesosomal lobes (Figs 76, 83). Brueelia galeata sp. nov. can be separated from the other two species by the absence of tsp on male tergopleurite VIII in Br. galeata sp. nov. (Fig. 78); at least 1 tps on each side is present in the other two species (Fig. 71). Moreover, females of Br. galeata sp. nov. can be separated from females of the other two species by the shape of the vulval margin: gently rounded in Br. galeata sp. nov. (Fig. 84), but convergent to a median point in the other two species (Fig. 77). Moreover, Br. galeata sp. nov. can be separated from Br. celer sp. nov. by the following characters: proximal mesosome with flattened, somewhat angular median bulge in Br. galeata sp. nov. (Fig. 83), but with rounded, elongated bulge in Br. celer sp. nov. (Fig. 76); distal mesosome more rounded in Br. celer sp. nov. (Fig. 76) than in Br. galeata sp. nov. (Fig. 83); male tergopleurite V with ss in Br. galeata sp. nov. (Fig. 78), but without ss in Br. celer sp. nov. (Fig. 71); female subgenital plate widening anteriorly, with convex anterior margin in Br. galeata sp. nov. (Fig. 84), but with proximal half of about the same width and concave anterior margin in Br. celer sp. nov. (Fig. 77). Brueelia galeata sp. nov. can be separated from Br. pseudognatha by the following additional characters: head proportionately wider and with more rounded preantennal area in Br. galeata sp. nov. (Fig. 80) than in Br. pseudognatha; proximal mesosome gently rounded in Br. pseudognatha but flattened and somewhat angular in Br. galeata sp. nov. (Fig. 83); gonopore crescent shaped in Br. galeata sp. nov. (Fig. 83), but rounded in Br. pseudognatha. Brueelia alophoixi was described from the same host species, but these two species can be separated by the following characters: preantennal area trapezoidal in Br. alophoixi, but rounded in Br. galeata sp. nov. (Fig. 80); male tergopleurite VIII with tps in Br. alophoixi, but without tps in Br. galeata sp. nov. (Fig. 78); male abdominal segment VII with 2 ps on each side in Br. alophoixi, but with 1 ps on each side in Br. galeata sp. nov. (Fig. 78); female abdominal segments VI–VII with 2 ps on each side in Br. alophoixi, but with only 1 ps each on each side in Br. galeata sp. nov. (Fig. 79); proximal mesosome rounded in Br. alophoixi, but with broadly flattened convex anterior margin in Br. galeata sp. nov. (Fig. 83). Etymology The species name is derived from ‘ galeatus ’, Latin for ‘helmeted’. In particular, we are here referring to the traditional Roman helmet, the ‘ galea ’, which is reminiscent of the gonopore of this species. Material examined Holotype (ex Alophoixus pallidus henrici) THAILAND • ♂; Chieng Mai Province, Doi Pui; 11 Feb. 1965; H.E. McClure leg.; SE-1912; BPBM. Paratype THAILAND • 1 ♀; same collection data as for holotype; BPBM. Type host Alophoixus pallidus henrici (Oustalet, 1896) – puff-throated bulbul. Description Both sexes Head flat dome-shaped (Fig. 80), lateral margins of preantennal head convex, frons rounded in male, slightly flattened in female. Marginal carina moderate, shallowly displaced and translucent but not widened at osculum; lateral sections with shallowly undulating median margins. Ventral anterior plate not visible. Head chaetotaxy as in Fig. 80; pos located far behind eye. Temples rounded, occiput more or less straight. Thoracic and abdominal segments as in Figs 78–79. Base pigmentation pale yellow-brown, except lateral sections of marginal carina, head nodi, proepimera, and lateral sections of tergopleurites slightly darker. Male Thoracic and abdominal chaetotaxy as in Fig. 78. Basal apodeme short, constricted at mid-length (Fig. 81). Proximal mesosome short, wide, flattened (Fig. 83). Mesosomal lobes broad, narrowing proximally, not elongated, with intensely rugose postero-median margins; 2 pmes sensilla latero-distal to gonopore. Gonopore relatively long, broadly crescent shaped, with a hint of rounded angle on the anterior margin, distal margin deeply concave; no lateral extensions. Penile arms reach distal to mesosomal lobes. Parameres extended distally (Fig. 82), distal end broad; pst1–2 as in Fig. 82. Measurements as in Table 1. Female Thoracic and abdominal chaetotaxy as in Fig. 79. Subgenital plate long and slender, widening anteriorly (Fig. 84), distal connection to cross-piece broad, cross-piece broad. Vulval margin rounded (Fig. 84), with 3 short, slender vms and 5 short, thorn-like vss on each side; 3 short, slender vos on each side of subgenital plate; distal 1 vos median to vss. Measurements as in Table 1.
Published as part of Gustafsson, Daniel R., Najer, Tomas, Zou, Fasheng & Bush, Sarah E., 2022, The ischnoceran chewing lice (Phthiraptera: Ischnocera) of bulbuls (Aves: Passeriformes: Pycnonotidae), with descriptions of 18 new species, pp. 1-88 in European Journal of Taxonomy 800 on pages 45-48, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.800.1683,
{"references":["Gustafsson D. R. & Bush S. E. 2017. Morphological revision of the hyperdiverse Brueelia - complex (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) with new taxa, checklists and generic key. Zootaxa 4313: 1 - 443. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4313.1.1"]}
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