Melanoma-reactive TCR-modified T Cells Generated in the Absence of Activation Retain a Less-differentiated Phenotype and Have Increased Therapeutic Potential

Autor: Siao-Yi Wang, Tamson V. Moore, Annika V. Dalheim, Gina M. Scurti, Michael I. Nishimura
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Adoptive T cell therapy with T cell receptor (TCR)-modified T cells has shown promise in treating metastatic melanoma and other malignancies. However, studies are needed to improve the efficacy and durability of responses of TCR-modified T cells. Standard protocols for generating TCR-modified T cells involve activating T cells through CD3 stimulation to allow for the efficient transfer of tumor-reactive receptors with viral vectors. T cell activation results in terminal differentiation and shortening of telomeres, which are likely suboptimal for therapy. In these studies, we demonstrate efficient T cell transduction with the melanoma-reactive TIL1383I TCR through culturing with interleukin 7 (IL-7) in the absence of CD3 activation. The TIL1383I TCR-modified T cells generated following IL-7 culture were enriched with naïve (TN) and memory stem cell populations (TSCM) while maintaining longer telomere lengths. Furthermore, we demonstrated melanoma-reactivity of TIL1383I TCR-modified cells generated following IL-7 culture using in vitro assays and a superior response in an in vivo melanoma model. These results suggest that utilizing IL-7 to generate TCR-modified T cells in the absence of activation is a feasible strategy to improve adoptive T cell therapies for melanoma and other malignancies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE