An Application of Auxiliary Operation of Power Dispatching based on Semantic Analysis

Autor: Jixiang Lu, Feng Xie, Hong Li, Hao Li, Tao Zhang, Lu Jin Jun
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 2020 12th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC).
Popis: Power dispatching plays quite an important role in power grid operation in terms of safety and stability. Structured data has been well managed in the real-time power dispatching and controlling system. However, the management of unstructured data such as text data has not received enough attention. In this paper, we accomplish an application of auxiliary operation of power dispatching by doing semantic analysis on operation procedures, which belong to an important category of power dispatching text data for fault disposal. The method that we proposed in our application is achieved based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies. Our contributions are mainly two-fold: 1) we accurately extract key information from text data through our proposed method, and 2) we help power dispatching operators reduce their work and improve efficiency by providing auxiliary operation advice.
Databáze: OpenAIRE