Clinical case of craniovertebral junction tumor simulating nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Autor: I L Levina, A V Doroshilova, E V Belykh, A Yu Stupnikova, O V Matveeva
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Kazan medical journal. 96:124-128
ISSN: 2587-9359
DOI: 10.17750/kmj2015-124
Popis: A rare case of the long-term observation of a patient with craniovertebral junction tumor is decribed. The presented case report includes a number of noteworthy features. The onset of the disease as the nasopharyngeal tumor symptoms, unusual anterior tumor growth towards the nasopharyngeal lumen with cuff inclusion of СI-СII vertebral bodies and posterior growth towards the spinal canal, signs of development disorder and perinatal organic brain damage were the factors creating considerable difficulty in determining the tumor nature and structure, which in turn influenced the treatment choice. Results of the patient’s examination for «nasopharyngeal carcinoma extending into the oropharynx» were analyzed. Insufficient capabilities of such methods as rheoencephalography, electroencephalography, echoencephalography, brachiocephalic arteries duplex scanning, transcranial magnetic stimulation for the diagnosis of craniovertebral junction tumor are shown. The difficulties of the biopsy histological and immunochemical study results interpretation out of clinical context and radiological data are discovered. Contrast spiral computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging allowed to clarify the craniovertebral junction tumor nature and spreading.
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