Effets de l'activité solaire sur l'ozone atmosphérique et la hauteur de la tropopause

Autor: S. I. Rasool
Rok vydání: 1961
Zdroj: Geofisica Pura e Applicata. 48:93-101
ISSN: 1420-9136
Popis: A statistical study of experimental data concerning total ozone thicknesses and tropopause heights in several stations in Europe, Asia and Africa brings to the following preliminary results: 1) The height of the tropopause increases when the sunspot number increases, the increase being greater when the latitude is lower. The maximum of both effects seems to take place at the magnetic equator and not at the geographic equator; 2) Magnetic storms are in numerous cases connected with variations of ozone thickness; the thickness first decreases then increases before the storm; the ozone minimum is observed 24 or 36 hours before the maximum of magnetic activity. A two years study shows a similar variation for both phenomena.
Databáze: OpenAIRE