A Study of Sandstone Permeability Anisotropy Through Fractal Concept

Autor: Yosaphat Sumantri, Pudji Permadi
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: American Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology. 3:34
ISSN: 2578-8345
DOI: 10.11648/j.ajset.20180302.12
Popis: Most correlation equations of rock permeability are usually based on the Euclidean geometry concept. Pore geometry and structure of most porous rocks are very complex, therefore non-Euclidean geometry concept, e.g. fractal theory, is needed to handle such a complexity. This paper presents a new equation for sandstone permeability involving other properties and fractal dimensions of pore space and surface. The equation is derived by combining Newton’s Law of viscosity, Darcy equation, and fractal geometry concept. It is shown that parameters such as tortuosity, internal surface area, and shape factor can be replaced by fractal dimensions. As natural porous media are mostly anisotropic, this study enables us to identify factors that affect the anisotropy. Eighteen sandstone samples with porosity and permeability range from 21 to 37% and 2.76 to 3,644 millidarcies, were employed in this study. The pore space and surface fractal dimensions for each orthogonal direction for each sample was determined by box counting method. The results of this study demonstrate that calculated directional permeability of the high permeability samples is very close to the measured one after corrections were made for pore sizes of less than one micron. This finding suggests that micropores of the samples may be a major factor not contributing to fluid flow. For the low and medium permeability samples, however, an additional pore geometrical correction is needed. The additional correction factor is considerably different for different directions of fluid flow, indicating that the anisotropy is due to the difference in directional pore structural characteristics.
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