Evaluation of Adhesive Properties in Polymeric Thin Film by Ultrasonic Atomic Force Microscopy

Autor: Tae-Sung Park, Ik-Keun Park, Dong-Ryul Kwak, Chiaki Miyasaka
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing. 32:142-148
ISSN: 1225-7842
DOI: 10.7779/jksnt.2012.32.2.142
Popis: This study presents the assessment results of adhesive properties on the interface between a silicon wafer and nano-scale polymer thin film pattern through UAFM images by using the contact resonance frequency of the cantilever. For the experiment, we varied surface treatment processes for the silicon wafer and fabricated a 300nm polymer thin film pattern through lithography. Images from the optical microscope were used to compare the produced test specimens for adhesive condition and the critical load value from the nano scratch test was used to verify the adhesive condition of the nano pattern. Each test specimen resulted in a surface image and subsurface adhesive image. Adhesive condition was evaluated by image contrast differences on the interface according to the changing amplitudes and phases of contact resonance frequency.
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