Растительные пластики на основе шелухи проси

Autor: Ershova, A.S., Savinovskikh, A.V., Vasileva, A.A., Artemov, A.V.
Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.25686/2306-2827.2020.3.39
Popis: Цель исследований заключалась в изучении влияния технологических факторов при получении растительного пластика на основе шелухи проса (Panicum miliaceum) и оценки его физико-механических свойств. Установлено, что требуется разработка определённого подхода к получению растительного пластика на основе шелухи проса (использование других режимов прессования, использование различных модификаторов). Изучена динамика изменения свойств изделий по отношению к активному грунту в течение трёх недель. Дана оценка биостойкости получаемых материалов по отношению к активному грунту. Выявлены низкие прочностные свойства и водостойкость у изделий на основе растительного пластика на основе шелухи проса после испытаний на биостойкость, что косвенно подтверждает возможную эксплуатацию данных материалов в местах, подверженных биологической деградации только после соответствующей антисептической обработки.
Introduction. Nowadays a large amount of secondary wastes of plant origin are generated. One of the ways to treat the wastes is to get the plant-based plastics without any binding material (RP-BS). The main danger for plant-based plastics in the process of storage and operation is the tendency to bio-damage which is caused by different fungi. The purpose of this study was to experimentally evaluate the biodegradation of plant-based plastics without binders on the basis of agrarian wastes in active soil to the change of physical and mechanical properties. Objects and methods of research. Products made of RP-BS and based on pearl millet husks were the object of the research. The objects of comparison were products of RP-BS on the basis of pearl millet husks and products made of wood plastic without binders (RP-BS) based on wood sawdust. Active soil (a mixture of sand, horse manure and garden soil (equal quantity)) was used to assess the biodegradation. The studied samples of RP-BS and DP-BS were placed in a container with active soil. The duration of exposure of samples in active soil at room temperature was 14 days. Before and after testing for biodegradation in active soil, the initial physical and mechanical properties of RP-BS and DP-BS samples were determined. Research results. The dynamics of changes in the properties of products in relation to the active soil within 3 weeks was studied. Bio-resistance of the obtained materials in relation to the active soil was assessed. For RP-BS on the average (for all batches) the hardness reduction was 70 %, the number of elasticity – 47 %, compressive modulus of elasticity – 80 %, breaking stress – 68 %, yield strength – 68 %. Conclusion. Low strength properties and water resistance of the products based on plant plastics on the basis of pearl millet husks after bio-resistance tests were revealed. It indirectly confirms the possible operation of these materials in places subject to biological degradation only after the appropriate antiseptic treatment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE