Redefining automatic target recognition (ATR) performance standards

Autor: Kelly K. D. Risko, M. Shane Thompson, Steven Vanstone, Ben Schmid, Charles F. Hester, Margaret A. Phillips, Donald Waagen
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.886308
Popis: Present descriptors for Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) performance are inadequate for use in comparing algorithms that are purported to be a solution to the problem. The use of receiver operator characteristic curves (ROCs) is a defacto standard, but they do not communicate several key performance measures, including (i) intrinsic separation between classes in the input space, (ii) the efficacy of the mapping induced by the algorithm, (iii) the complexity of the algorithmic mapping, and (iv) a measure of the generalization of the proposed solution. Previous work by Sims et. al. 2,5 has addressed the distortion of the evaluation sets to indicate an algorithm's capability (or lack thereof) for generalization and handling of unspecified cases. This paper addresses the rethinking of the summary statistics used for understanding the performance of a solution. We propose new approaches for solution characterization, allowing algorithm performance comparison in an equitable and insightful manner. This paper proffers some examples and suggests directions for new work from the community in this field.
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