A compact interferometric radar for studying clear air turbulence

Autor: Michael S. McBeth, Richard F. Jones
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: 2017 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf).
Popis: Modern radio frequency integrated circuits and modular microwave components open the possibility of realizing many different kinds of compact microwave systems. In this paper we present the analysis and design of a compact interferometric radar at 10 GHz (X-band) for studying clear air turbulence. The interferometric radar design makes use of the Analog Devices AD8302 2.7 GHz Radio Frequency (RF) / Intermediate Frequency (IF) Gain Phase Detector integrated circuit to make phase difference and signal strength measurements in a two channel interferometer. Down converters are used in each channel of the interferometer to convert the received signal spectrum from 10 GHz RF input into a 1 GHz IF. A description of the fabrication and assembly of the interferometer is provided along with details of some performance measurements. The interferometer is intended to measure microradian angle-of-arrival errors in an X-band wave front caused by clear air turbulence. The interferometer described in the paper was used in a Naval Innovative Science and Engineering (NISE) research project and may prove useful for other applications requiring a compact microwave interferometric radar.
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