Natural rubber latex-clay nanocomposite: use of montmorillonite clay as an alternative for conventional CaCO3

Autor: UK De Silva, S. Walpalage, A Amarasiri, U. N. Ratnayake, S Siriwardene
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka. 41:293
ISSN: 2362-0161
Popis: Natural rubber (NR) latex-clay nanocomposite (NRLCN) synthesized with montmorillonite (MMT) clay aqueous dispersion was evaluated for reinforcement and barrier properties. The physio-mechanical properties of the NRLCN were compared with the conventional NR latex composites containing CaCO3. The NRLCN structure was characterized with X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope techniques. The X-ray diffraction data showed that, with a lower concentration of clay, a highly exfoliated clay structure was achieved whilst the clay aggregation gradually resulted in a higher concentration of clay. The crosslink density as computed based on the solvent absorption data of the latex nanocomposite films was increased with the increase of clay concentration. As a result of nanoscale dispersion of the montmorillonite clay and higher crosslink density of the latex nanocomposite films, the resistance to permeation of small molecules through the NRLCN was significantly enhanced in comparison to conventional NR latex-CaCO3 composites. Solid state mechanical properties of NRLCNs showed a significant reinforcement effect of dispersed clay platelets but without significantly reducing the elastic properties. The higher mechanical properties and improved barrier resistance indicated that NR latex nanocomposites containing montmorillonite clay is a potential replacement for conventional NR latex composites containing CaCO3. J.Natn.Sci.Foundation Sri Lanka 2013 41 (4): 293-302 DOI:
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